All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2023 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Before there was Diversity, Mutli-culturalism, and Afro-futurism.....there was NOG!!!
Before there was Japanimation, Animee and Manga........ there was NOG!!!
Before folks went to Pandora and discovered the truth.......there was NOG!!!!!
Before there were Game consoles, Gamers, and Fan boys......there was NOG!!!!
Before there was the Space Shuttle and globalization....there was NOG!!!!!!!!

("When I received a Life Time Achievement Award at Temple University's East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention the presenter, Yumi Odum, had an original copy of “NOG: The Protector of the Pyramides” that he had found in a store in New York some years earlier. He went on to say the book, its concept, and its look impressed him to move in the direction he did in founding the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention at Temple University.")

And now there is you!!!!!! And your boutique editions

from ONLI STUDIOS are coming.

In tribute to all of the above we give you the reboot of NOG: The Protector of the Pyramides.

We use the French spelling of "pyramides" because Onli lived, worked and studied in Paris during the big bande-dessinee' boom. That's where he really got this groove on! An homage to international creativity and globalization.

ORDER NOG NOW! Let us know when you order and we will send a few trading cards based on your proof of purchase and mailing address as our appreciation of your participation in the greatness of NOG: THE PROTECTOR OF THE PYRAMIDES. EMAIL: For more on the artist see

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